Join The Network
The Together Network is a network of Christian charities, large and small, that are committed to tackling poverty and transforming communities.
The Together Network has two different kinds of Membership:
- Core Members: Our 14 Core Members work together to shape the direction of the Together Network, create and deliver our programmes, and share a history, ethos and organisational structure. The Core Members were established by CUF and Church of England dioceses to deliver transformative social action at a local level. They remain closely tied to CUF through their governance, and are fully involved in the creation, delivery and sharing of innovative programmes on both a local and national level, including Feast of Fun, Places of Welcome and much more. They send representatives to a Steering Group which helps to guide the Network, its members and its programmes.
- Associate Members: Our 30 Associate Members are charitable organisations who agree with our ethos and participate in Together Network programmes and events. They are organisations who are themselves networks in some way e.g. national or regional Christian charities, churches together organisations, Dioceses, Methodist Districts etc. Associate Members have access to many Together Network events and other resources, and are offered a platform to connect and collaborate with our Together Network partners.
Church Urban Fund is the host and facilitator of the Network; the central hub serving the whole, providing the tools, spaces and processes which make it possible to achieve our aims together.
If you are interested in becoming an Associate Member and would like to find out more about what it entails, we'd love to talk with you. Please email us at
Our Associate Members are charitable organisations who agree with our ethos and participate in Together Network programmes and events. Associate Members include diocesan social action charities, Churches Together organistions, and…
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