Allchurches Trust – Growing Lives Report
In 2019 Allchurches Trust carried out some research to gain an insight into the work churches are engaged in with 0 to 18-year-olds
Allchurches Trust have now released the Growing Lives research report, including the key stats and analysis from the survey, but also case studies from churches from a range of denominations and settings sharing their experiences and learnings – good and bad – and expert commentary from Dr Lucie Shuker, Director of Research from national youth charity, Youthscape.
The results of new research can be found here, this research was out in June 2020, with 638 churches having completed our electronic survey about their level of engagement with children and young people since the start of the Covid-19 outbreak. Churches were asked about what kind of youth-focused activities they have been able to run and how often during lockdown, the questions young people have been asking the most and what they felt the biggest issues facing children and young people in their community are at this uncertain time.
The Growing Lives grant programme is still open for applications, cut-off date of July 17 for applications to be considered at the next Grants Committee in September 2020. The next date for consideration will be in December 2020.