Food Poverty

Edgelands film premiered for #DarwengetsHangry

Together Lancashire worked with some young filmmakers and our #DarwenGetsHangry team to produce a hard-hitting film about food poverty and homelessness. Containing strong language, it uses their stories and concerns woven through a narrative.

A milestone film, Edgelands, was scripted from the stories and concerns of those involved in the #DarwengetsHangry programmes. Our young people are passionately concerned about food poverty and homelessness. The first screenings took place over summer 2019.

The film creatively amplifies the voices of our young people, takes their stories, uses their language. In the Edgelands, a land of forgotten estates, the film demonstrates the grim reality of issues surrounding food poverty, homelessness, and welfare. It contextualises these topics and uses them as a backdrop to put forward a message of resilience as one of the many creative ways our project aims to raise awareness.

The next phase is to get the film out to a wider audience, using resources which are in preparation for schools, faith groups and young people’s forums.


Note: Contains strong language

Watch the film